by Della Ridge, guest-writer Never have so many died for so much to gain so little of the crumbs that were left for so few. You cannot friend someone you don’t know or you will be punished. What Nazi spin-off thought up this rule? Doesn’t it all sound a bit Orwellian and somewhat Dickian ? Who should be charged with war crimes ? Are we to be tested like Job ? Will this be yet another poignant case where the bad men all get away with it and we only find out after top-secret documents are furtively leaked to the newspaper? So many unanswered rhetorical questions. O ne-percenters be like I, the author, performed fifteen minutes of online wiki-intense research and found out that three-time loser Barcus Leech was that mastermind of the dark conspiracy to keep friend requests and friend replies to an absolute minimum on social media. This is the man who originally restricted use of his fashion-of-the-day blab site to university elite. It shou...
From within a postmodern dystopia that is doomed to extinction, we go behind the scenes to bring you the REAL conspiracy, including fresh tips for time travelers.