Following closely on the heels of Homesick Hitler’s obscure eponymous debut that made 317th place on the Gerkin Charts, Ham Records announced that they were dropping the second album before the seasonal sales rush on August 12. Amid confusion, executives explained the term "dropping" means that the album WILL be available, not that it has been dropped from release. To clarify, the record will be available for purchase. I was told to make that point loud and clear for the audience. HH has captured the sound of the Cocteau Twins caught off guard by Sting and The Police all while the state of California, who has elected the Flock of Seagulls as its supreme court, refuses to let anyone have an abortion without a fathers’ consent. They would later clarify that the father "must also be a man who is born with a male penis who must also possess at least 51% Y Chromosomes". “We figured we’d just go with what we had,” said bassist Willetta Barnfurd, “Plussed Monic...
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