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Showing posts from July, 2019

You've Been Thinking of Musicians All Wrong Your Entire Lives

Four humans started out as substance abusers because they did not look on the bright side.  Then, each had an independent emotional block and found it impossible to take it any further.  On that day, the four devoted themselves at once to Krishna, Buddha, Yahweh, Jesus, and Muhammad all while making a serious effort to learn music perfectly so as to impress future generations not born yet.  On that auspicious day, Monday, June 17, 1947, they tattooed and changed their names as they joined in swastika hands. Mouth, Guitar, Bass, and Drums were one of the greatest four-piece ensembles in music history.  You know them as Musicians.  In case you were hacking films in Buenos Aires for the past 20 years from your basement, Musicians is a musical firebrand from Ecuador that has knocked the tube socks off the entire world. Musicians have sold more than a hundred copies of their album Song List which includes the classic Single 26 .  Each copy is hand made and...