Dr. Foxy delivers a response to people who say people are mostly good: "no they are not, and in fact, if you look into it, you will find out much worse than I did"
Dr. Foxy was in town today or yesterday to talk about some stuff. He got up to a podium. He lifted the microphone because it was lowered for an earlier host. The gooseneck was rusted out, made sometime in 1865, probably in February, and it made a screech across the entire basketball court at the Arena. All the people stared, waiting. Dr. Foxy did not disappoint the crowd of just average Joe's. "I have spent a great deal of time looking into the matter, and I have this to say. [5 minute pause where someone had to be taken out by paramedic and then airlifted to a super hospital]. I said, I have this to say: 66.666% of the people are beasts. Those are very accurate numbers, we've run the tests over 665 times and the same results come back each time on the calculator. This is an Internal Business Machines brand of calculator, so there is no chance the numbers are mixed up behind the scenes like those upstart Texas Instruments copycats. No sur!" Dr. ...