Never bother someone who is smoking a cigar unless you positively want trouble. Never complain about cigar smoke or make a smoker feel self-conscious about smoking a cigar. Always ask if you can help someone who is having difficulty lighting their cigar. If someone does not have a cigar and indicates they want one, it is considered rude not to seek out the nearest reputable tabaquero . If you are already buying one, you might as well pick up an entire box, returning promptly. If you go out to purchase cigars for someone, you should always hurry back and not make any excuses if you are late. If you mismanage your time, be sure to give notice and be prepared to "make it right" when you finally arrive. If you buy someone a box of cigars and the party does not positively love the label, you should leave quietly, taking your cheap cigars with you. Do not expect to ever hear from that person again – it is considered a family insult to most people of a certain bree...
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