In the very first written tradition of all, new in and of itself, I, Salecia Magus, do swear to do faith to the prescripts detailed me from the Heavens. Be born. First. Start out with your own birth. This is a necessary prerequisite to walking around. Find a birthing point, roll out of the birthing canal, and get your feet moving. There are many in the community who would choose to start at conception. Wrong. Do not concern yourself with anything before the crowning. Those details are the property of the individuals in charge of the manufacturing process. Next, get your name. Be sure and get a good name. A bad name, called a bad omen, can result in a mildly unhappy time of life. Do not pick Barton Mollytroph. Whatever you pick, have your progenitors write it out, in legal form, your birth name, weight, location, and birth date. The birth date is especially important for knowing when to have your birthda...
From within a postmodern dystopia that is doomed to extinction, we go behind the scenes to bring you the REAL conspiracy, including fresh tips for time travelers.