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Showing posts from September, 2020

Advanced Time Travel Carrying Mega Doses of Certified, Pre-Grown Hitler Clones: Research Looks Promising

Several people beat me to the trials, many centuries ago.  That didn't stop me from saving all my meteorites and opals in order to fund my experiment.  By the way, my name is Dr. O. W. Liversleeves, I hold the A. Chair tenured professorship position job at the faculty serving the world renowned Institute and Prestigious Academy of the University of The United States of America in America.  In case you are not aware, the institution of the Institute and Prestigious Academy of the University of The United States of America that is locate in America, is indeed, the highest, or most glorious, most original, in fact the first, the seat, the only one of original origin, is located in America, and when I say, The Institute and Prestigious Academy of the University of The United States of America in America, in fact, I cannot say it enough, it rolls from my tongue with such delicious pleasure.  I feel the lower classes simply will not comprehend the absolute awe they are abo...