Advanced Time Travel Carrying Mega Doses of Certified, Pre-Grown Hitler Clones: Research Looks Promising
Several people beat me to the trials, many centuries ago. That didn't stop me from saving all my meteorites and opals in order to fund my experiment. By the way, my name is Dr. O. W. Liversleeves, I hold the A. Chair tenured professorship position job at the faculty serving the world renowned Institute and Prestigious Academy of the University of The United States of America in America. In case you are not aware, the institution of the Institute and Prestigious Academy of the University of The United States of America that is locate in America, is indeed, the highest, or most glorious, most original, in fact the first, the seat, the only one of original origin, is located in America, and when I say, The Institute and Prestigious Academy of the University of The United States of America in America, in fact, I cannot say it enough, it rolls from my tongue with such delicious pleasure. I feel the lower classes simply will not comprehend the absolute awe they are about to receive just in the first paragraph. Surely it will outweigh the socially-distanced heavily-masked drive-through circus or whatever goes for popular entertainment during these dark times.
I used Ajan's time vortexes discovered in 2650 in order to transport over 1.234567 million, or, to be exact, 1,234,567 Hitler clones, all named Hitler One through Hitler One Million Two Hundred and thirty-four thousand and five hunderet and sixty sevensies, to see Hitler at the bitter retrospective close of his wretched, no good filthy dirty ugly life. It involved a gate that I made just for the purpose because there is much in the way of overhead anytime one moves that many items across time space in that fashion. Hitlers are actually much more expensive because they require Nazi shims that are have to be smuggled from Nazis, which is a vicious circle, and leads to corruption almost always. Normally it is not done, moving that many Hitlers across time and space, in fact, I was warned many times not to even publish.
Callously undaunted, made it through the gate with time to spear, drugged der furher utilizing a well-formulated opiate synthetic, and took him to a stadium. I along with the remaining husbands to the cause, or those I deemed who had remained loyal to the research, unveiled before Adolf Hitler in April 1945, we are talking Berlin, Germany; all of himself at the precise age so that no one could tell which Hitler was the which Hitler and which Hitler was the swastik-replica. Precisely at that moment when Adolf's eyes looked on the million of himself and his heart was overjoyed, I exploded precisely 800 nuclear explosive devices, which I swam to acquire, or steal, or just take anytime I feel like it whenever, the uranium from several hundred universities, enriched it in the microwave oven, where they keep them in swimming pools, and then I killed all the Hitler Clones and watched Hitler's expression, and then, I switched out a Hitler, threw Hitler Zero in a lava tank.
I should have probably added more Hitlers and more nukes, but on account of extremely unfairly leveraged and systemic funding atrocities and death-gaps in important research priority as well as the sadistically biased triage of scholarship or what I call the illegally and immorally rigged hierarchy of the arrogant and sinister insolvency, I, along with long term and short term fiscal shortfalls, which are truly the bane of my condition, I was not able to really get enough Hitlers or enough nukes to really get a good picture of the situation that was under study and I would just like to say that because of that, for that reason, I am very disappointed with the outcome of the experiment and I think the reason for that is because there wasn't enough interest in the Academic Community of Unique Scientists, to get enough good funding for this thing, and then, the thing is, I think I let Hitler Zero, I am not quite sure if he landed in the lava, though I did try very hard to get a picture of it, the camera unfortunately fell into the lava, and while I looked away, it is possible that Hitler Zero managed to escape death. Which is not a good outcome, by my learned degrees in philosophy and doctoring, I feel this is a less than ideal occurance for mankind.
Hitler Zero did I think I confirmed later, many years later because he was the only one who knew about the gate, which closes if you are not careful, you gotta be careful, get away with all the secrets of the experiment so that now I think he might have made probably ten times as many Hitler clones already and those are my best case models. It looks like Hitlers are going to invade us this time, and it looks like they have better funding than even the Foundation of Comprehensive Studies, which I am a member and a founding member at thata, and the thing is, they told me that my project was unethical at first, until I made it clear by demonstration that I had mastered the implications of nuclear explosives devices and that I might just use one as a test and the shock alone would cause the markets to crash and nobody would have food for years to come if I so much as said, Hey siri, here is the launch codes, and then a city is over. Hitlers must have discovered a better way to make nukes because I think they have handheld mini nuclear devices that can kill city blocks in one minute. Beware, they are breeding from the future, 2650, which is like a time vortex that gives infinite energy from Mars.
Unless my numbers are wrong, a billion Hitlers are all exact replicas this time, this time Hitler made a better Hitler than even I could dream of making. My Hitlers were barely sensient, just a mirage, really, I was conning the scientific community a little just for shock value, but Hitler, this time, has really made a lot of Hitlers and they are a whole new brand of Hitler, even more real than, some of them we are calling Hitler Negative One, that is how, this is more original than, this is like a tong, that you have to make with the tong, so that how do you make a tong that you need the tong you are making to make the tong? Well, that was our dilema, and we helped Hitler now to cross that boundary and it looks like he is throwing us the ladder broken in shreds like a microwave in the swimming pool on the Sabbath.
We are all pretending to pretend that we are the projector and the film being projected onto the walls of a cave, and if you get up? You can't tell anyone, they make you sing a song and sign a release, NDA, non-discrimination, non-disclosure. That is my research specialty, I am a law person analysit, I look closely at law people and guys, and get a measure of how good they might be. If they are good, I say, good for you, if not, I let them go or probably just say good for you, it is just depending more on how I am feeling, with the odds that my feeling will improve when I have ten million in cash, and if that ten million isn't delivered, who knows, maybe Disneyland gets kapyut like the devil's dream. That might hedge against a Hitler onslaught, at the very least, we can get a new microwave and test to see if the water is now alien to even the alien's aliens. We are the aliens to the aliens!!!! I just thought of that, might as well include it.
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