Vril to hire 10,000 pilots for chemtrail program; President Obama announces White House worked with Boeing to develope chemtrails that are invisible to the eyes. Phoenix – The Vril Society announced Friday that it is seeking to hire ten thousand pilots in launching its newest push to enslave the world’s population using controversial chemtrails. The revelation came at a private dinner in a secret location believed to be an alien spaceport. Potential candidates are urged to submit a resume and cover letter to www.vril.org.eu before January 15. A local mother points out chemtrails to her shocked family. “We just weren’t using enough gas,” said Green Bishop, a former chairperson of The Rand Corporation during a webinar on ureachforit.org Sunday, “adding pilots is like the best thing we can do. Think about it.” Bishop went on to say that each plane will be equipped with tons of Sargon...
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