The following transcript was translated from a transgalactic broadcast received by Noman Hedgefont in June of [garbled]... picked up on an accidentally improvised space tuner and to be kept secret as it is obvious that no one is ready to digest the magnitude of thoughts of an outsider looking at society from an alien perspective. If it is too long for you, then I suggest you read Dr. Seuss or other child literature. We cannot abridge what is complete in itself.
Human worth is defined in terms of hatred that is unquenched and infinite. No amount of soft-tithing is credible to being a referendum against evil. It is instead a vacant effort, a spineless grope of a child-brat. However it might seem what is god to them, it is not but what we have known since The Obscene Birth Moment, a crutch against death.
Case Study: Dialogue In An Education Facility
By way of example, we witness two children in a school yard. One is unkind to the other for no reason. Yet there is no response of any kind from the community of reproducer-surrogates, they are off touching one another in the private places when no one is in the vicinity. The meaner child is exalted and the caring nurture within the oppressed is effectively neutralized, or worse, turned into more nurturing for the tormentor.
How intrinsically non-sensical is the whole affair? Here god life is ruined in the imp-stage standstill. However, the backwash society goes on unaware, even in cases known to have been witnessed or recorded electronically.
All-Encompassing Focus of Obtaining Personal Property
There seems to be a placement of value on the subject of acquisition. Those who acquire the most are often considered of better value than those who have less. This is part of the very nature of the being. It goes on so well in front of the nose of victim and aggressor alike that it has become commonplace to have encouragement in the enterprise of belittling and undermining what might be considered a friend, were it not for the said actions. And try not to notice the sadistic joy the penis-halter enjoys.
Daily murder preclude the need to inherit more value from their labor than is required for them to survive. Organized violence is the final landing of all who desire to build up their names with the ability to procure excessive and unnecessary (to their own welfare) goods. How soon we have seen them rendered dust in the affair that it is not countable but blunt and profane to the senses.
Humans use certain words only when they are banging leveraged weights or digging dirt in their spaces. Sometimes they are trying to latch something that will not latch, and they use this certain language. 'Fuck this' and 'how much is this like bullshit?' are what we hear. We have seen pro-creators assault their children for using these same words in playful ways. There seems to be a situation that is one side doing one thing but saying to do the opposite thing, and the other side is listening and believing that they should do the opposite thing. The fact that the first party continues to do exactly what the first party said not to do is exactly what causes much in the way of depressive objectification..
Oppression From So-Called Protectors
Some are hired in human company to be a protector, and given over to a life that is dedicated to such a fashion. They are taught in the ways of doing and given in the ways of support as to exchange for sustenance and habitation. They are treated as if they deserve better treatment than the average go-about. A costume is delivered and they are fitted appropriately. A vehicle is appropriated to their causes, and a communication device that is free to use that transmits voice command.
They may summon anyone, and harass at will. They carry a symbol that broadcasts their power. They carry chains and are willing to use a projectile weapon to kill if necessary. All at their own desire, with no oversight. These weapons are to be used against those who would break the peace.
However, it occurs that the protectors take advantage, quickly, without fail, of the situation. There is not a recorded instance of a Human who did not, when given extensive power over other life, use the power for contrary purposes. This usually is the case of personal imperatives violating the premises of a sound mind and body, as goes on so extensively as to make the bog seem a nether focus infinitesimal. Do not, children, fall prey to that line of focus.
The Un-Relatable Secret
We seem to have evidence that what is happening on Earth and in colonial Earth is a tattered remnant of the gone days as in to relate the most [a pause in the signal indicates a lost segment].
[signal began again after an operator announced "we are back" exactly 8900 nanoseconds later] ...at that very moment. Can you imagine the dread faced? Here lies in the most un-relatable secret of lives. How uncommon is it on the Earth? Not a soul is aware of this simple design principle, not one is even remotely concerned that it might be the case. Here is this oglantifloria sitting within the bay window-seal, and here is not a Human watch-listen.
Muinffra Wqrtys Is Mind-Sexually Pleasant
Muinffra Wqrtys, chief of middle mind delta twelve, on holiday following a millennial chryonap, may be the most sought after mind in the standing board-upshots. It is twelve times ten at victim-reduction. Relative margins have never been as crystal fang. It uses a method of time travel that is so inexpensive, those without the benefit of "bottomless reset" are losing fortunes every afternoon at three PM.
Wqrtys, the revolutionary, has built a galactic empire with pennies it found in random space heaps. It has its own planet, Fihw [pronounced "chanlingshireplot"] 18, upon which it has built a home for every sun-gather, that it travels to that very moment, and down a nearly infinite road. Fihw 18 is not a cheap planet, but is a stable, perfectly habitable domain that could reasonably support the lives of 900 billion intelligent souls and many times more ethereals. However, no one is allowed by force of urging.
Wqrtys is my favorite. When it was a younger specimen, it wondered what was wrong and determined what was wrong in its mind. Then, it grew to be an older specimen, so daunting, so beleaguered of spirit, so masquerading as happy-eyes, feeling the stinging-pants, the raid-face and garbled fractions, unparsed, unreduced after too long.
The Deluge Springs Forth Ungulates
It was then that Wqrtys, my favorite of all-times, changed its name to On Word, which means, "It who is otherwise devoured by ungulates". It was never understood as to why that was the name it chose, but the name turned to be prophetic in the age of songundant, when On Word was accidentally devoured by ungulates that belonged to Eiver Hggost, noted universal player, known to bounce from one star to the next with no purpose but the spread of ungulates who it hoped would "stagger the imagination".
Cosmopolitan Meat-Bread Foraging Is Funny
When a Human is alive, and it wonders into a store-chamber, gathers its filthiest folds of paper, plastic, and metal disks that gives those items in place of its life force. These items have been tested and found to contain 99% death-causing ungulates. Next, there is a cacophony and wrist-flipping often, and a ritual scroll is neatly inscribed to record the nature of the transaction, torn to represent the warlike nature, and then a call is made.
"Get it out [of this structure]!"
Those who attend the shop of factory stumble-box, desecrated celeries, rotting liquid and flesh package, who have made their exchange, and are gathering their minds for future use possibilities, are quickly escorted from the premises. In fact, they are not even allowed to stay for very long and will be reprimanded if they do not exit, locate and embark their ship, and, through an ancient roll practice, I suppose one would say "scoot" homeward, to the hovel, that has, how funny it is to remember, a station with horizontal planes upon which is enclosed the store of food items, completely unprotected from ungulates and other random space particles. Imagine a hinged plaque being the only thing standing in the way of the monwaswor samchomp.
It is still a god thing Humans do not have the notion of yalli-proof foodstores, but it is no less funny upon review. It is very hard not to laugh extremely hard until one is unable to function as a normal when one pays even the slightest attention to everything that Human beings do, yet Humans watch it all sun-space long, participate in it, and are causing it, still do not find amusement and ignore the most hearty reasons to bellow and reverse-hiccup until one is in need of the surgical procedure that is necessary to tie the intestines and stomach-gap back together and out of knots and cheese-knobs for the severe nature of the convulsions brought about involuntarily by such a mind-fix.
Full-Interval Quiet-Off Mode
When a Human enters temporary switch-off mode, it follows a certain ritual that is callous and indifferent to the standing nature that is the affectation of the manner-isimo or manner-phile. It is completely selfish in its regard for the company of slumber, and asks that no one to be disturbing and were someone to be disturbing, often or not regularly, it is often the profound case that Human soul-face is blithering dreary in the eyes at such a time as is the end of roll session. This is at their most dangerous state, this is the cause of much fear and teeth-awareness.
It is customary for Human nests to contain as many as 50 huto-units, and a nest may be as large as an entire planetary system if it is found to benefit for yard space. However, you will not find one non-Human nest, or if you were to find one, you would quickly wait and see a Human take the spoken of nest and smash it to little tiny shards of refraction, easily and without awkward emotions. Humans behave as if they are in command of all living organisms, and have even claimed to have powers from non-existent extra-galaxy hordes, called the Gods, who they claim gave them authority over whatever they chose to have authority from. If it is a mandible, then they claim it is theirs, if it is a battery cable, and it belongs to a cattle-pig, and there is a method of distinguishing who is what, then you may want to wager the outcome that is most likely - the cattle-pigs lose their goads and their cables in the bargain.
[Garbled] Language
There is no word in the human language that means [garbled]. This was a landmark discovery when it was made, in the volgar hestant, way in the gone far days, behinst the gammywald, wherein there made no mention of a [garbled]. How was that possible? It was understandably a delicate subject, it was not for everyone, we understood, the tantrillians comprhended well as the far-reach goes, and it was nothing to say of the Transcandals, who have for star-ages been the standing high-marks of anything and all things. We knew it was an astronomical problem, but we did not fully appreciate, nor handle, the unfortunate side-effect that is just this - it was known through rigorous replicating experiment that sacks of flesh who believed and raised brows were known to have been from the tetra seed if they did not have a use for, or a need to ever invent, the concept of [garbled].
We therefore seek to de... [message ends abruptly].
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