Last time we taught you what homeless beggars do with your spare change . The response to that article caused three fires in our server warehouse that are still unaccounted for and continue to be an ongoing struggle against time and space. Some have gathered super-intelligence and have morphed into hyper-beings easily capable of world destruction. Our techies are really earning their scratch this week but prove to be, really, when all things are considered, not capable of doing anything that is not by-the-book. Now we have even more ado before we get on with it. All of that being said, we still want to cash in on the viral craze. So, we wrote a follow-up article. A follow-up article is a tool used by bloggers to fill in the billowing white clouds in their sprawling editorial calendars. It is a way to bother online readers and run as many frilly and misdirected ads under their tawdry noses before they scoff away to google about hillbilly trivi...
From within a postmodern dystopia that is doomed to extinction, we go behind the scenes to bring you the REAL conspiracy, including fresh tips for time travelers.