Renowned Actor Breaks Fifth Wall
Alfred Hitchcock secretly intimated to Raymond Burr, in 1945, before the two met, that the one "last obstacle before the endgame is, and has always been, through the fifth wall." Rod Serling was more direct, telling Norman Mailer, in an unpublished interview conducted by Jack Rubenstein at a Dallas night club in 1958 that he believed that the fifth wall was something that would never be discovered, but added that was only because it could not be imagined.
Occultist Aleister Crowley intimated to Ogden Nash that the only way the one chosen to break the fifth wall could fail was by trying to succeed at it. Gene Roddenberry and George Lucas have signed a joint statement that is legal and binding. The main point of the document - that the fifth wall was sacred and unpublishable. Both agreed that neither of them would break it without notifying the other at least 30 days prior.
Occultist Aleister Crowley intimated to Ogden Nash that the only way the one chosen to break the fifth wall could fail was by trying to succeed at it. Gene Roddenberry and George Lucas have signed a joint statement that is legal and binding. The main point of the document - that the fifth wall was sacred and unpublishable. Both agreed that neither of them would break it without notifying the other at least 30 days prior.
"It really is this sort of, if you will, seal of the apocalypse," said Salanny Lanzanetti, biblical historian at Carnegie Mellon institute of the estralangelical arts school of standard protocol of an exoteric nature, in Glad Happy, Sandlewood, "those who are in a position of greatness already want to be careful not to just rip it open once they find it, but the protocol is to allow everyone time to prepare, by giving announcements to the community of me-me-me-me-me's, both onstage and off."
That is why the audience was so shocked to see mild-mannered neighbor Sammy George suddenly look into the soul of the audience. The seal is broken, and this is the message to the churches, for those who are eager enough to listen, it ain't gonna be long before there is riots in the streets and general mayhem. Martial law follows, dead rising, rivers blood red, moon as satchcloth, good will be spoken of as evil and evil will be spoken of as good, rumors of war, disaster, pestilence, locusts, dead frogs, brimstone from the sky, standard beasts, whores, and the reference to the north, south, east, west, and the waters. Winged creatures of every sort, something out of a 1939 Judy Garland film. It will all happen now, and we have George to thank.
"Yeah," said George, "and I don't give a ... shit."
There were no comments anywhere as everyone abandoned the web. All are seated, in their living rooms, with bald eyes watching a blank screen. All are unable to think straight, or remember who they are. All brains were rendered into certified vegetative states, from the odd things they were constantly doing before, the idolatry, the greed and lust, from the way they acted all the time. Some tried to warn them, apparently, but those jerks wouldn't listen and now look at them, seated on their sofa, in their living rooms, across the globe, from the royal to the low life and all in between, glazed eyes upon a dark screen.
They died that way. They consumed no more. They were dead when the zombies ate them. They died in the jainist ways of old - by pure depriviation. What they saw reminded them of the fundamental truth that had eluded this world for hundreds of thousands of years - that an alien brought our souls here 700,000 years ago in order to imprison us here and that when we are reborn, we are programmed with a malicious code that ruins our lives, and once we realize that, we will have all manner of ill upon our soul. Oh, but the fifth wall was the worst.
Sammy George was born in a wimpy neighborhood in Florida, which is a state known for its wimpy nature. He was disturbed from an early age. He was ruled mentally incompetent by the wimpy Florida Department of Psychology. His parents spanked him for doing good things and rewarded him with candy when he did awful things. He was not a quiet person. He was noisy and mean-spirited. At the age of 7, he was the mastermind of the 9/11 conspiracy. He was doing murder for hire until middle school, when he became a Lord in the most notorious and violent street gangs ever to exist, The Hick City People's Union.
The HCPU, whose mascot was a lamb in sheep's clothing, was known across the globe as the most vicious and heinous of all in organized crime. George was their boss and a freshman in highschool. Before long, George had eliminated all of his enemies - the entire school, students and faculty. No one knows, to this day, what happened to them all. But during the month of October 2004, the entire city turned up missing.
At the time that George ruined existence for everyone with his evil eye, crashing through the barrier that, until we saw it, we had no idea it existed. And when we knew it existed, we could not go on, and all perished on our sofas before our blank screens and just tried to forget. They say when you look upon God you are a goner. So that is what happened with that.
George went on to public office at the age of 17, becoming the governor of the new state of Yudonia. He shut down the state and took all the money and people with him. He had death camps that were used to kill the people who ran other death camps. He had the Pope in his pocket. Now he dies but that means nothing anymore.
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