The Four
Decision Maker-Maker-Watcher
how do you get on the board?
you "BUY INTO" the company
you exchange surplus freedom you have bagged
Nobody is trading sunleaves for seat-rights necessarily,
but if they are selling, by chance,
that is the opportunity you are waiting for, and you
have to be in line already even though you don't know
when it will be available
this assumes you are not already in, which,
if you are are already in (out), you can just go right up,
skip the line, shop around for a spot
but, if you are not already in, you have to hop on
when nobody wants your surfboard and then demonstrate
you have gotten yourself within, or more properly without.
Then, like the simple demonstration of a a nuclear device
bomb, even the insiders have to accept you,
though, probably one of them will want to send you back,
or force you back down to the labyrinth
the prison, the plantation, the factory, the hospital
just like you will too when someone else jumps in
the club (exits Labyrinth) and you don't feel like they earned it
or you feel like they are a threat to you
you or me
you is me
you trade paper to get out.
then, you are a lifer
until you get so broke you
have to sell your stake
to the next upstart (no,
sell it to the most experienced
person in the room, not
to a new egg, or man of the road)
while you stay, you make decisions
people come to you. People who
are considered socially high-end
they are diabolical swine,
the most untrustworthy brand,
you don't know what they do
you can't imagine it
so, while it looks like
you are foisting your stake because
you meet with the son of a bank's investor,
well, it is much much worse
because the son probably delivered
a credible, irreversible threat
from his father who is still mad that
someone else got into the club without the initiation
of being born out of the body of a darling
that someone hand-picked decades ago to be a decision scion something
outside the confines of perdition
you can't even begin to imagine
you think you made it, but
this is not a practical guide
if you don't comply
to certain understandings:
1. amounts of money are fake
2. the new egg is vulnerable
3. ownership is non-fungible on the opposite bank of the Styx
the ones who make decisions.
They have more than one kind of decision
they make decisions that all affect, in every case,
people. These people's ideas directly affect
every person in the world. In fact,
you don't even get it. They affect every affect
very few affects are affected outside
of the decision makers
well, they are in the eye of the decision-maker-maker-watcher,
but only for one reason. Not to see if they do right or some
sort of care about what they handle. None of that matters.
DMMW's watch mildly only to see that what the DM's do,
whatever it might be, is mathematically leading
to an unreachable steady supply of other people's freedom
that they stored up in sunleaves, called money. Usually, in this case,
that stack has been gathered one by one from usually duped unwillings,
go-abouts, men of the road, who follow the labyrinth straight to the middle
until they are devoured piecemeal, like a stack of freedom dollars at a
political motivation, their bodies divvied up at the meat counter.
you see, the Lords in the Sky, as they like to be called,
the decision-maker-maker-watchers, they decide who the decision makers
are going to be, they do have to be careful, I don't care what your
politics or your socio-economic status might be, you have
to be careful who you pick. But, that is never the concern for
our DMMW's
No, they never make choices that revolve around who should be in a position. Never do they say, who is most qualified. Instead, because everyone is qualified to boss people around all day all you have to do is be willing to get worse as the day goes. Well, the only concern they have is that the people they pick should not be men of the road, who go about, and follow along looking to their peers for clues.
Well, unless they want that. That is, unless they need someone to just go along with everything, then, DMMW's pick everyone to be men of the road, who cannot fly above, and even if they could, they would not know the rule, fly too high, or worse, too low, and get burned up or eaten by the sea beasts. No, if you fly over the labyrinth on wax wings, you fly down the middle, not too high, not too low.
If you can't fly above, you are waiting down there. The labyrinth is just labor. We are not even down there yet, but already, from here, we see the signs of the half-man, half-bull that does the physical aspects of work. The ancients called them slaves, and that term was used up until recently, when it was changed.
A watcher is going to be the eyes for the hands. The hands need constant guidance. They are kept that way so they can be turned on any general task. In this way, the energy of their bodies is drained by the DMMW's without even lifting a finger.
The watcher sits above the labyrinth in a tower, making sure attitudes are right. Making sure the efficiency of the motor activity is at peak performance. That might mean selling the old men and buying new ones at half price.
The watcher has to keep the labyrinth in line, but the Minotaur does all the work. The Minotaur is the one who keeps escaping, got caught flying too low, and now is bound to the labyrinth in some way. But, they don't obey any one's authority. They have broken free of the one tether of the labyrinth, and they are looking to get out.
The DMMW's only send more hatchlings to subdue the monster, and keep the labyrinth in chaos so the hands can do their work and never leave. They think they are leaving all the time, but they are always staying.
That way, the minotaurs are used as life lessons for the hands in the maze. It is not a maze, exactly, it is a literal one way track, that meanders around but if you are in it, you lose your way very easily. It seems devilishly simple, and it is. If you are walking for two days, and you sit down to sleep, when you wake up, you have about a 1 in 5 chance of going the wrong way. The walls are marked with a million arrows pointing every way in every conceivable hue.
Some have found clever ways to escape this way, but usually they were given help from a watcher's relative. By marking your way, you could theoretically at least find your way. But, you see, every arrow in every color, and every shape of arrow, and every way of marking direction, if you have something to write with, chances are, you will forget your mark in the chaos, unless you write it on your hand. Even then, chances are you will see your mark again but it will not be your mark really, just an uncanny likeness, and you will end up on the wrong track. Once you are turned around, you won't be sure if you should turn back around because what if you ARE going the right way. When that happens it will be agony's labyrinth in the shadow. Here you were strolling out the door in a month, a year, and a day, but, just add one distraction that is bound to come and you don't know with any certain degree if you will ever get out. And the labyrinth was designed to make that wrong turn almost certain for every creature who falls into it.
Most end up doing this after the wrong turn and the misgivings about the direction one is taking. They go one way for awhile, then turn the other way for awhile, pacing in the labyrinth. At each turn, experiencing walking agony all over, and living in that cycle all their lives.
Indeed, it is true, it happens. Indeed, mostly, everyone is turned around who tries to exit the labyrinth. That is all part of the design.
There is a tendency in some to rush toward the center, where they are quickly incorporated into the belly of a minotaur. This tendency is in everyone, and it adds to the tension of the labyrinth.
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