secrecy is an ommission
the whole world spins like a top
it's on a loop
is an act of exactness
by doing this privately,
I am saying something
means there is some reason to conceal
what is that reason?
is it the wind probably
but or is it the sun yest that one too
but above all it is the rain, the rain, come on down the rain!
why we conceal ourselves above a stone beneath a hutch?
because we need secrecy from the storm
wherein these doors are soldier locks
calculated oceans revolving on alligator lunge
the one in the center is the one that becomes
to be in secret means you know you're not supposed to do it in the open
not supposed to do it in the open
to be in secret
any act done secretly
is by definition one hundred percent wrong
yet necessary
and therefore a danger that must be
put under cover
to see that! to imagine that!
Mostly, I think of using the bathroom, but
there are other interpretations,
and there are not many others with the body
and open and shut case
with workable necessity
alright, alright, that is quite
secrecy implies a wrongdoing,
a necessary momentary wrongdoing
perfect example
body functions of nearly every kind
that are nearer to the lower,
but crying is a cunning act of defiance
in secret
in the blind, under the covers in the dark
to scream in opera pillows
the hollars bought them chatters bring them out!
body functions
of every kind and every exchange
an oh no, not again
oh no, this is the break
this is where it all breaks and we have to pretend
if we did not cover we would save time but
then not be able to pretend
would it reveal
in a matter of time,
the open void
that was left ajar
in the wide open lane
going asunder down a sabotaged brain?
nearly not,
but it is hidden
the break
that the body is a dough
you see
careful now, do not make this trip
I nearly want to vomit,
with all the reality of it
I feel a catastrophe
is on the loom
it repeats it replays
it is time to consume
however however however
secrecy lies in wait
to discover
why the convenient
where this monster's reality is revealed?
the kitchen, think of it, the sink
and the water
pouring down on the vegetables
there, and the blank refusal
the hiding, the stuffing down the pipes
all aroundall around
are the pipes that injest this smoking delicacy
meats of dead animals and sweet smells
of burning fat.
once was a price you paid to ask a favor
of the soldier.
now it is in your backyard
the secrecy, the privacy,
to hide away the breaking points
the exchanges
at the exchanges lies all of the world
in fact, there is nothing but the exchanges
and all thought, all words, all ideas,
derive from the exchanges
that is why they are covered
covers the body
it can be no other way, listen
it can be no other way
is not a plague
it is a signal
here is a break
in the exchange
tears snot boogers spit earwax
that is how you pay your income tax
tears snot boogers spit earwax
burp sneeze fart pee sweat diarea and poop
none of these things belong in soup
poopy diapers in the dumpster
there might be others that i forgot to mention
but i'll let you figure it all out
in private
once we have private
we know
that is it!
a bunch of lies are taking place now
normally this is not brought up for a simple reason
despite all of these facts,
privacy cannot cease
just because we now know it doesnt matter
it does matter, still
exchange is a problem
that was never solved
and has never been solved
and never will be solved
exchange is private
and not discussed
being exchanged
between bodies
matter exchange
is almost always fine
almost always there is very little
but then there are certain
of the body and the material
of the body
that can become a danger
reproductive certainly plays a role,
and more so than first thought
not just in the beginnings,
but the outcomes
the outcomes of reproductive roles
are as they say,
more of a risk than even
any individual act of exchange
of any kind
so, for that reason, not just for
the added concerns related
to lets say generally pathogens,
diseases that arise, as such, are side
ventures to this, when the outcome
of one reproductive role could result
in a million offspring who are predisposed
to exchange even more deadly pathogens
that lie awaiting our indeterminant future
or the one we create just to counteract
the determinant future where we are all
powerless to do anything about it
yet, both are creations of the same
privacy is where the exchange breaks down
crime is an adverse form of privacy
crime is a threshold of privacy,
an exchange of risk,
an exchange of identity
if there is crime,
there must be more crime
for crime to exist, there is a breakdown in the threshold of privacy
and that is a condition that proves there is a further breakdown
that is not even contained in the first breakdown
which is the breakdown of the exchange of privacy
added to that is the breakdown that occurs as a result
which is the breakdown of the threshold of privacy: crime
a common exchange that can be explored is the exchange of urination
in urination, for the human species,
it is all very obvious and straightforward
this is a private act that is mandated by law
public urination laws are very real manifestations of the breakdown of the exchange of privacy
this is a short circuit to crime,
mandating that revealing the breakdown, by not conforming to not just curomary but primitavely biological private functions of the body,
is a crime in itself
crime is a secondary platform placed atop the first, which is the fundamental breakdown of the exchange
this is the secondary breakdown, called the breach of the threshold of privacy.
the third breakdown, it follows logically, is indeed, as you might have guessed, war itself.
there could be no further breakdown, I presumed, until very recently
now I realize there is a fourth breakdown that either looms or has already
occured by its pre-eminence or inevitible conclusion, as to the breakdown of conductive society, war, the disorganization, the dismantling of the state itself. War, it means war in its true sense. Nothing like we've seen actually. Those were prequels, mere previews of what is to come.
once the threshold of privacy was breached to the next threshold, the threshold of war,
there was some relief at first only because it seemed like
that would mean, well, now we've finally learned maybe
but after a peace,
there was slowly a rebuilding,
a secret
that took place and everyone can look back now and see it clearly
but those who lived it had no notion of what they were living through
from the origin, the privacy of the exchange
was only necessary
is only necessary
because of a breakdown
if there were no breakdown at the privacy of exchange
in other words, what we might need
could be a counteractive to enjoin upon the breakdown of the exchange
we need to coordinate the privacy of the exchange
to liberate
the exchange
which would be like trying to root out a tree using a branch that you just pulled off the same tree
so that cannot happen, it is also like going back to try to correct the path of a river
I mean, going back in time, and saying, I want the river to go this way now.
that cannot happen even if a lot of intractable problems were tractable
so, it is extra-intractable in that way, and more so, this
since it is all, it has an added element of intractability
which seems to mean we have to live with
a violent end
and be with no alternative course of action,
that we are all spinning toward the same
the four sided structure
the breakdowns
of the exchange
of the threshold of privacy (crime)
of the threshold of elements (war)
of the threshold of doom (end time balance)
the exchange of matter is
broken down
the exchange must be private
but what if we said, you know what?
we can bend the rules a little if all you did was
urinate or defecate so long as you remove the result
to a decent spot
And not on a bus or indoors
so, listen, that will never happen blank expressions
will follow all inquiries on the street, in reality
they don't know what we know
the breakdown of the exchange
is the fundamental breakdown
if we can axe it, maybe
we can shift the focus
or knock down the entire strucutre
to prevent
a torturious endgame that leaves nothing
we have to go all in on public exchange in order to do that
that means, we have to use the restroom openly in public and be arrested for it
all of us
that means,
we have to do all formerly private things that break the law to do in the open out in the OPEN
all of it that is legal in private, not legal in public
if it is legal to do privately,
we are going to do it publicly,
and if that is a problem, then
we will say, that is a breach of the fundamental
exchange and we are not living under that authority
any longer look where it got us, to the brink
of war
if you can do it privately,
so long as you say nothing,
and no one is a victim,
then, if you do it publicly,
and there is a police concern,
that is a sign
of the fundamental breakdown of the exchange
if there were no breakdown,
all of those things would be
politely done with no complaints
as it is, there are walls, doors, inquests,
people who think it is okay to have an opinion about it,
et cetera
you don't have a right to an opinion
you have to earn your right to an opinion
and that comes from chasing the facts
not fictions you created
where there is a breakdown, we will
counteract the fundamental breakdown.
For instance, where there is a war,
we will go to the bathroom in public
Wherever police bother peaceful protestors, we
will arrive the next day and pee on the street
all over the whole street
open urination is our slogan
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