Dr. Foxy explains to a crowd in Ohio a very simple method of time travel: sitting around and waiting
Dr. Foxy was in Ohio Friday to sell his new proposition for altering space-time to the benefit of mankind. This is in sharp contrast to his last speech on the subject, given in Berlin, where he was criticized for creating methods that would adversely affect all of creation.
"I was wrong to insinuate going back in time to kill the pre-Gods was a great idea," said Dr. Foxy at an informal gathering at the Reichstag, "Now, I want to offer one solution that I have found that meets both criteria for elegant space-time alterations that come with no cost, one, and that can be applied without electronic devices that use fossil fuels, two. Therefore, I want you all to join me Friday in Steubenville, Ohio."
Boos filled the audience when he mentioned fossil fuels. The reason for that is the term has come to signify a pejorative term applied to deads whose bodies were used as kindling for massive energy projects, called beige energy. Someone said, that is offensive to those people whose bodies were used to power the grid last 85 years or more.
"It may not be POLITICALLY CORRECT," Dr. Foxy motioned his hat the typical way when anyone says the favorite catch-phrase, and waved his hands three times for emphasis, the birds were confused and began chirping an alarm to other birds to watch the fuck out, "but, even though it is not POLITICALLY CORRECT..."
At this point, the audience launched into a protracted volley of exuberance as more than 60 men and women began circling the concourse of the Steubenville Tech Arena yelling and screaming and waving exactly 36 different flags of various colors and shapes. All of the audience then stripped down to underpants, and sang their response.
"Under my method, anyone can go into the future," said Dr. Foxy, getting to the point, "All one must do is simply find a stable place on planet earth, say a bedroom or a front porch even, and just stay where you are for the length of time that you wish to travel into the future. So, for instance, if your destination is at 8 PM and it is 12 PM, you get you a clock, and you countdown the time, and you wait exactly 8 hours."
An audience member raised her hand then asked.
"Can you do other stuff while you wait?"
"It is not orthodox, certainly," said Dr. Foxy while fingering his beard for a handle, "and, it would be considered unconventional. Scholars might insist it is not technically time travel, however, the truth is, it can be done with the right foresight. For instance, you don't want to get so carried away that you forget your destination time and then miss it. That would be a disaster, you see, because of the delicate nature of space-time. You have to think differently, remember, and the known paths are all sit and wait. Sit and wait, for you destination, and that ALWAYS WORKS."
At that phrase, the entire audience became a circus and Dr. Foxy sat down and watched for 3 hours the elephants and the horses do their wiggle dance. He watched the asses and the camels perform their mock baseball game, with such accuracy, then a tall fat German came out and told the lions to be quiet, then the clowns were ironically dressed in plainclothes.
At the end of it, no one remembered what Dr. Foxy said, but they all made it to their destination - 4 hours in the future. Therefore, the Gods marked another success and made a note of it for their future bibles.
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