Altoona's Dutch Hill to host Dr. Foxy in talks about new scientific experiments that prove 100% that prayer always works no matter what
Dr. Foxy is going to be at the Rite Aid in Altoona next Arthurday. You may be asking, well, what is he doing there? Well, I will tell you. Just calm down for a second. You're rushing me.
Dr. Foxy stands as the only man in the world who could possibly save the planet and the moon.
"The moon is often forgotten about," said Dr. Foxy, "because it is not always there, is it? Just goes to show you, you better show up and pray with a full light. I want to tell the people that prayer does work. Despite the pundits who say, look, no it doesn't. Well, not for them it doesn't. Just like the half-moon, everybody including Gods forget who we are talking about."
"But, you have to save the moon too. You can't just save the earth. Think about the tides and things. Think about the TIDES AND THINGS you FOOLS!"
There is a lot of confusion among the Foxy Partisans, and Dr. Foxy says the speech in Altoona will give the perfect opportunity to shed some light on a great subject: does prayer actually work, or is it just another big lie?
"I read my book," said Parcy Garmers, a notable Foxy Partisan from Sandlebranch, Arthursberg, "it was written by Dr. Foxy."
The same lines were repeated by no less than 18 of the Foxy loyalist group known for trailing their leader like fawns and praying for the demise of his enemies as part of a mandatory 24-hour vigil.
"We live a different life because some of you people are not keeping up with the 24-hour vigils," Dr. Foxy said as part of a response to pedestrians in Norfolk, "You are CANCELLING. THIS IS CANCEL CULTURE!"
The onlookers did not do cartwheels.
"Why aren't you doing cartwheels right now?" Dr. Foxy asked rhetorically before smartly thumbing the middle of his glasses' nose, "I will answer, now, let ME answer. I say, it is because you don't have the stuff dreams are made of. You can't get it till you pray. It is not just going into a trance in your bedroom. It involves revelry. You must be dressed appropriately. All of your items must be ready - your wand, your parka, and your cup. No one knows, not even me, what the cup is for, but, you better have a cup."
"I don't have a cup," said Smarcy Nugraspa who sits on the Executive Committee for the Foxy Partisans, "but I have receipts. Receipts from Gods."
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