Dr. Ostentatious Doxy showed up in Cedar Rapids the other day to deliver his scathing commentary in response to Dr. Steady's most recent speech.
"This has gone on long enough," said Dr. Doxy while looking around the parking lot for his keys he dropped or lost and we never found out which, "Dr. Steady is out of control! She needs to tone down her rhetoric as part of a three point plan for improvement."
Dr. Doxy spelled out the points for the audience at the Arbor Glen Park Family Fiarre.
"I want to announce, today, at the Arbor Glen Park Family Fiarre that Ich Bin Ein Berliner!" said Dr. Doxy, "I am just like you, so everybody listen. Can you hear me in the back of the lot? There are some keys out there somewhere, if you find them, the address is on the fob. I SAID IT IS ON THE FOB!"
"Dr. Steady is just as bad as Dr. Foxy. She is ramping up her rhetoric. Up and up. Well, I say, ramp down that rhetoric. Here is a hint, maybe don't mention dismembered body parts, maybe stop saying you are going to bomb everything to filth for a minute. Then you might see that we can all get along and resolve our difference."
"This has gone on long enough," Dr. Doxy repeated with a hand on the knee looking the ground for sparkly objects using his hand as a wind and sun visor, "here are my three points: Quit it, first, stop it, second, and go away, that is number three. I am sick and tired of... OH THERE THEY ARE. Nope, its a bottle cap."
Whether or not Dr. Steady will behave or not is an open question. But whoever got those keys knows where Dr. Doxy lives. Just leaving that here.
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