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New App Makes Liars’ Jeans Catch Fire

New app delivers honesty with burning consequences; Faculty at Flagstaff religious school perish; Philosophy professor explains the Hegelian dialectic, few understand what he meant; Just in time for the holidays.

Smack Dab - This week Silicon Valley's leading hipster global think-tank Bird Bees Digital (BRDB) announced the upcoming launch of its newest vehicle Hotpants ($0.99, Android and iOS, available December 20), an app that ignites trouser and skirt hems of those speaking falsely within a 5 meter radius of the user. 

The beta version of the app, launched this month, has raised concern most notably among clergy and lawmakers, who have stated that Hotpants will shut down church and state, as we know it, indefinitely. 

"You must reeelize," said Senator Morgan Morgan (F-WI), "every truth in our society is based on a series of blatant, outright, and profound lies.  It is pandemonium on demand, is what it is.  If we, as elite bureaucrats, cannot smooth over the rough edges of society for fear of burn trauma, then I don't know whhhhot - epic fail."

Courtesy: Larry Page

The entire faculty of Delmar Southern Baptist Academy, a private school near Flagstaff, gathered to pray near the flagpole and died miserably Tuesday morning in a veritable roundtable conflagration that started, literally, from the grassroots. 

After a local speed walker, Gus Cervantes, 75, sauntered by the prayer show, head-bowed teachers and ministers began to notice that the ground was getting hot and smoky.  In a matter of seconds, onlookers said, the ground had become lava gravy and soon the victims were trying to beat out the flames with their bibles to no avail.  

"My son-in-law just installed that Hotpants app," Cervantes said at a press conference Thursday, "He's always fooling around with bullshit like that, took my phone, uploaded it or whatever.  I don't know how that damn thing works.  He thought I would get a kick out of it.  Phew...  89 Baptists are dead.  I don't need that.  My Reiche energy has gone to zero."


Hotpants works by synergizing two very important technologies into one neat and powerful package.  First, it detects lies using a modified fMRI (Functional Magnetic Resonance Image) that determines if the brain worked harder than normal in the moments before someone makes a statement.  This is because in order to tell a lie the brain must first think of the truth and modify it.  If the statement is a lie, the added energy used by the brain will show up in the fMRI.

fMRI of a liar.  Notice the red circles.

Once the lie is detected, the phone very quickly locates the liar geo-spatially and selectively inhibits neutrinos, via bluetooth, in the ground below the doomed subject.  This causes a build up of antimatter that, within 5 seconds, causes a catastrophic flash as the ground heats up to nearly a million degrees Centigrade.  This is what causes the pants to burst into flames while at the same time effectively disintegrating the deceiver.


The app watchdog group Be Cool has called for the immediate recall of the app and pointed out that just from a legal standpoint people are violating the law when they utilize a device that lights others on fire for any reason, even blatant falsehood.

"You have nothing to worry about if you tell the truth," responded Godfried Waylan, chief digital slew at Bird Bees, at a tailgate rally on I-50 Monday, "If you have nothing to hide, that is.  The only people who are against this product are fiends.  I believe we have a moral imperative as individuals to use this app on a daily basis.” (Waylan later burned to death).

The premium version of the app, which is expected to be released on iOS in February, will also iron and dangle the liar's flaming pants from a utility wire.  There is no word on when the premium version will be available for Android, but Waylan is quoted as saying, "don't hold your breath".

Come again???


Courtesy: Nikolay Georgiev
"It is a detergent," said philosophy professor Dr. Harold Baxter at a lecture he gave Friday morning at Brown University, referring to the nature of good and evil, "There has never been anything wrong with a detergent, or an enabler, except that it deters or enables.  That is to say, if we can build a wall, or a bridge, then it stands to reason that we can tear down the same bridge or wall.  But of the wall, or bridge, that is already there, the bridge or wall that has always been there since time began, that cannot be replicated or destroyed, why not keep it for old time’s sake? “

“One might ask, well, then, why is it that existence only relates to the senses while the senses are mere roadblocks to higher consciousness?  Hegel says that the dialectic is the measure of all things, the thesis, antithesis, and synthesis.  Going down that path, if you have someone who comes in and says that Alexander Pope is notable for not being a pope, and yet he stayed sane throughout most of his life, despite his name...”

“Then what you have is a sort of voodoo philosophy that attempts to rectify categories that are unrelatable.  This sort of reasoning, this bias, if you will, is exactly the point of persistent reduction of the essence of what is and will become, where becoming, remember from our earlier lecture, is the quintessential, the unimpeachable.  For now, suffice it to say that man's brink is redacted, indeed abridged, for the benefit of not scholarship but of ignorance.  That is to say, man’s cunning, humankind’s bitter struggle, is only, is only [sic] there, quoting Noman Hedgefont, ‘to mess your hair’.  This may all seem very academic, but I assure you it is anything but.  That is something we will discuss in our next lecture entitled On Not Being Academic: a Retrospective."

Courtesy : Avin Ash

Santa Claus and company

Because Santa Claus and his North Pole entourage are a pagan myth unrelated to Jesus, app stores everywhere have been vigorously preparing for the launch of Hotpants.  Sales are expected to go through the roof.  Customers are already lining up around the block.  It is doubtful that anyone in the world will not buy this product.  The Hotpants website already has forty billion followers, which represent over 25% of the world’s population.  In the meantime, perhaps it is a good time to watch what you say.


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